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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Central Michigan AYSO Region 862

Weather Policy

Region 862 Weather Policy

Please show up to all games regardless of the weather.  It may be storming at your house but clear at the game site.  Only the referee can cancel the assigned game for U10 and above.  This is usually decided with input from the coaches, but the referee has the final decision for the safety of the players.  For U6 and U8 games who do not have referees, it will be up to the coaches to make the decision to play or cancel the game. Field closings will be on listed under Locations on the website prior to any scheduled games.

When Lightning is observed or Thunder is heard, the game/practice must be suspended for 20 minutes.  Thereafter, the 20 minute interval should be restarted with each lightning strike or when thunder is heard.  Please avoid repeated suspension that will cause conflict with the start times of any games scheduled after the one suspension.  All weather conditions are at the discretion of the Coach at practice and the Referee at any game.

Make-Up Games
In the event of a game being canceled for any reason, all attempts shall be made to reschedule the game by the Coaches.  To avoid any scheduling conflict; please contact your Assistant Regional Commissioner to ensure field and referee availability.  Remember we are trying to give our kids all the playing time we can so we don’t short them games. We want all games to be made up if at all possible.  We are inconveniencing a lot of people when we have to reschedule games, so let’s use all the help we can to stay on schedule.

We cancel games due to:
Extreme heat, Extreme cold, standing water on the field, lightning/thunder and ground so wet that play will be dangerous to players

Cancellation of Games Played on Away Fields (U10 and above)
Our region does not have control over how other fields are managed on whether games are to be played or cancelled.  If we are given information about cancellations at away fields, we will do our best to pass this information along to the coaches.